The Friends of the Art Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Waterloo Center for the Arts and its cultural programs, events, exhibitions, and art collections through fundraising efforts and volunteerism.

Your support as a Friend of the Art Center today will directly impact arts and cultural programming at the Waterloo Center for the Arts. Annually the Friends organization provides the essential support needed to offer vibrant arts experiences that are accessible to the entire community while fostering a safe creative space that is welcoming for cultural dialogue and empowerment through the arts.
All of this is only possible due to the generous support of Friends like you. Your contribution represents an investment in our community that will make a lasting impact by ensuring arts and culture thrive in Waterloo and the greater Cedar Valley. Please consider supporting the Waterloo Center for the Arts by including Friends of the Arts Center in your year-end giving.

We greatly appreciate cash gifts to support the arts, but there are many ways to make arts and culture thrive at the Waterloo Center for the Arts. There are many ways to show your support, several with significant tax benefits for you including: Trusts, Bequests, life Insurance, appreciated stocks, and private art collections.
The Waterloo Center for the Arts, Phelps Youth Pavilion and Friends of the Arts Center also have endowment funds at area community foundations as an opportunity to take advantage of the Endow Iowa Tax Credit, a 25% state tax credit.
To learn more contact us at 319-291-4490, or by email at museum@waterloo-ia.org

Anne Alvarado
Janine Ambrose
Mike Adrian
Joannie Hoffey
Dawn Conradi
Miranda Canfield
Lori Dale
Sarah Gorsuch
Eliz Guyer
Jym Guyer
Nicholas Hedrick
Michelle Simon
Joel Mabon
Terry Rice
Teri Rule-Sheehan
Cindy Wells
Gina Whipple
Over the Years
Friends of the Center was founded by Deanna Shulman. The Gift Shop was begun by Marian Lichty and the Friends. The International Bazaar was an annual fundraising event presented by the Friends for a number of years. The first Rec Originals Shop was placed in Clarence Alling’s office. All works were on consignment from local and Iowa Artists. The shop also had a thriving picture rental business.
The Friends started the Holiday arts sale, which has become the Holiday Arts Festival. The Friends sponsored an Oriental show at the Junior Art gallery in the west wing basement. Friends pledged and contributed $10,500 toward the construction of the Recreation and Arts Center. The building was dedicated October 15, 1978. Friends raised an additional 2,000 to fund Forsberg Gallery walls, furnishings and lighting. The Friends started a juried paper show. The later Museum Shop was incorporated into the new wing/East Wing of the Center and funded by an anonymous donor in memory of his mother. Maxine Thorson kitchen was furnished and developed by Friends.
Contributions by Friends funded: film for the Junior Art Gallery, an addressograph, a paper folding machine, reception equipment, new curtain for the Rumsey Room, funds for the Richard Hunt sculpture, Reaching Out. They hosted/sponsored numerous receptions for recitals and artists and bus tours to other art galleries. The Friends started the Raymond T. Forsberg scholarship for visual and performing arts. The Friends sponsored the exhibition, China-Contempo/Rarities. Friends sponsored the exhibition, All Through the House, a Christmas antique toy show.
Friends sponsored the exhibition, All Through the House, a Christmas antique toy show. Friends started Rooftop Jazz and Blues as a fundraiser. Friends started Rooftop Jazz and Blues as a fundraiser. Friends presented a Chocolate Lovers’ Affair to Remember fundraiser
Arti Gras was started as a fundraiser by Friends. Friends applied for and received an alcohol license to sell alcohol. Friends contributed $35,000 to the Youth Pavilion project to construct the commercial kitchen. Friends provide approximately $30,000 annually to support in part: exhibits, programs, collections, receptions, fundraising activities, library materials, postage, and beverage supplies.
Through the years
Friends provide approximately $40,000 annually to support in part: exhibits, programs, collections, receptions, fundraising activities, library materials, postage, and beverage supplies.