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Thank you for your interest in choosing images from the Waterloo Center for the Arts Collection. We are happy to assist you in finding the images you need for your publication or project and will do our best to help you meet your deadlines.

In order for us to provide this assistance and to process your order, please complete this form and email to, or mailing to:

Elizabeth Andrews, Registrar/Image Rights

Waterloo Center for the Arts

225 Commercial Street

Waterloo, IA 50701-1313

Publication Title or Project Name.

Publication date AND deadline date .

Author(s) or Editor(s)


Please list the images or objects you require, with Museum accession numbers if possible. If you do not

have accession numbers, please supply reference images, as well as the source where you found the image and any available information (book title, page number, etc.). If your list is extensive, please attach an additional sheet.


Please list all types of reproduction you wish to make i.e. Book, Slide/Lecture, Promotion, CD-ROM, Website etc. (Please indicate format: digital, 35 mm slide; 4x5 transparency; print; other)


If images are not for reproduction, what will they be used for?

What territorial rights do you require? North American, World, etc.?


In which language/s will the publication be printed?


What size reproduction do you wish to make, and where will it be located within the publication: i.e.

¼ page, ½ page, cover or book jacket, etc.?


What is the print run i.e. 1,000, 500,000, etc.?


Do you require these images for use in conjunction with: Loan, Exhibition Catalog, Exhibit Graphic?


We typically send digitally. If you require image(s) on disk, please supply your Fed Ex Account number:


All images issued by Waterloo Center for the Arts are subject to these Terms and Condition.

COPYRIGHT: Waterloo Center for the Arts owns copyright to copy photography and documents created by the Museum. Copyright to the works of art and to other materials typically belongs to their respective creators, their estates, or assignees. The Museum advises researchers that it is their responsibility to procure permission to publish reproductions from the collection from the owner of copyright. The researcher agrees to hold the Waterloo Center for the Arts without blame for a violation of copyright laws, invasion of privacy, or any other improper or illegal use that may arise from the use of these reproductions.


1. Written permission to reproduce or publish photographic images must be secured from the Waterloo Center for the Arts (WCA). Permission is granted for onetime use only. All other rights, including those of further reproduction or publication, are reserved in full by Waterloo Center for the Arts. Possession of a WCA image does not constitute permission to use or publish it.


2. Requests for alterations or variations to the images such as cropping, overprinting, or bleeding to edge must be made in writing to the Waterloo Center for the Arts.


3. All effort should be made to make photographic reproductions as faithful and accurate to the originals as possible. Before publication of any reproduction, Waterloo Center for the Arts reserves the right to require proofs for final approval.


4. Waterloo Center for the Arts may require and will furnish exact documentation to accompany each reproduction.


5. CREDITS. The credit line is mandatory.

a) With printed matter, the credit lines shall appear on the same or facing page as the illustrations or with other “Sources of Illustrations.” Crediting of each individual item is necessary in all cases.

b) With films, filmstrips, and video use, the credit line shall be included with the other “Sources of Illustration.” In manuals that accompany filmstrips, give credit at the point where the illustration is discussed.

c) With exhibitions, the credit shall be shown within the exhibition area.

6. Publishers shall furnish Waterloo Center for the Arts, without charge, one (1) copy of each publication in which the reproduction appears. If this copy is not provided, additional fees will be assessed.


7. Orders will not be processed until payment is received in full; Waterloo Center for the Arts is not responsible for foreign banking fees. The granting of rights is contingent upon payment of fees.


8. Waterloo Center for the Arts gives no exclusive rights to any publisher, author or photographer and assumes no responsibility for duplication of subjects by others.


9. It is the responsibility of the applicant to secure the rights to reproduce the requested images from the appropriate copyright holders.


10. In the event that any additional uses of the image(s) not currently listed on the front are planned additional permission must be obtained.



Name (please print)

Signature Date





Waterloo Center for the Arts

225 Commercial Street | Waterloo, IA 50701-1313

(319) 291-4490

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